Practical & Unique Business Content

The articles on this page include original, thoroughly-researched, and experience-driven content about different business and financial topics.

Why Entrepreneurs Are Looking for Small Business Funding Online

The phrase “you need to spend money in order to make money” exists for a reason. It illustrates a common struggle that many business owners grapple with. In short, you may have a unique operational model and your products or services could genuinely fill a crucial market gap. However, this becomes valueless without a necessary financial investment. The problem is even more complicated when lending institutions make it difficult for applicants to get a loan. This issue, in itself, is a major driv

5G & Your Website

Consumers will soon enjoy a host of new ways to engage with websites and enhance their online shopping experience. But what does the roll-out of 5G technology have in store for your business? Initially, not all website owners will have access to the new technology. However, many are already preparing for 5G’s new features so they can embrace it once it hits the larger market. Websites and businesses will notice an immediate change once 5G becomes available, regardless of whether or not they have initial access to its features. Because of this, Umbrella design put together this piece to help business and website owners prepare for this revolutionary change. Many people don’t fully grasp what 5G entails. If you already understand it, skip the first section and start at ‘5G and Your Website’. Otherwise, carry on reading.

Amazon Synchrony: Why This Credit Card Is Worth It

During quarter three of 2019, Amazon’s earnings declined by over 25% in comparison to the same period in 2018. For the first time in over three years, the tech giant’s profits witnessed a drop. Most of this is because the company heavily invested in its new free one-day shipping services for Prime members. However, as we head into the holiday period, this might be the perfect time to signup for the Amazon synchrony credit card. The online retailer spent almost $800 billion between July and September

What Is Corporate Owned Life Insurance?

Corporate owned life insurance is a new and emerging policy type. For example, with a bank owned life insurance plan, the financial firm acts as the policy owner and beneficiary. Employees are included in the latter. Generally, workplace-provided plans, regardless of who owns or underwrites them, are advantageous for consumers. Not only do they get free (employer-paid) life insurance protection, but these policies also offer a large amount of coverage. Equally as important, the beneficiaries (i

Welcome Home Las Vegas

For more than a year, the Las Vegas property prices have been soaring. This raised some important questions for renters and homeowners alike. The former are asking themselves whether they should purchase a house soon (before prices go up even more) or wait for the market to slow down. The current property values also make it more expensive for renters to save money for a down payment. Existing homeowners, meanwhile, are wondering if selling their properties at a relatively infated price is a fnancially wise investment. The lack of inventory creates hesitancy because sellers cannot easily fnd a desirable new home to move into. Although these problems are common across the country, the Las Vegas housing market is in a unique position due to the rapid growth of rent-to-own homes. These types of properties may solve many of the challenges that Las Vegas renters and owners face. Amongst them are time fexibility and affordability.

Work From Home Tax Deductions That You Can Claim

At home businesses have many advantages over their brick-and-mortar counterparts. For a start, entrepreneurs save money on gas and office rent. Similarly, freelancers that operate online enjoy unique benefits in comparison to employees who commute to a physical office location. However, transportation costs and rent are on the tax deductible expenses list of traditional businesses, but not digital ones. Nonetheless, remote entities can still utilize work from home tax deductions that other emplo

Betting on Las Vegas

Founded over 15 years ago, Divine Events has established a standard of excellence in Las Vegas. As the Entertainment Capital of the World, our city’s economy and industries were more than relieved to return to some form of normalcy. After all, tourism, leisure, and entertainment are what draw so many visitors from around the globe to Las Vegas. However, one overlooked aspect is how our businesses innovated and continued to cater to patrons throughout the pandemic. This is in large part due to digital apps in the heavily-growing sports betting world. In fact, as we move forward, these technological offerings are expanding local businesses’ revenues by allowing them to bring in more money from out of state. Sports betting apps are creating many new opportunities in the gaming industry and infuencing how casinos are investing their capital. All of this will defne what the sector will look like as we move towards a post-Covid world.